6 tom single lugs that fit Ludwig Standard drums or Rocker drums. Condition is "OK". Some deterioration of chrome. Mounting screws not included. 6 left.
Seller's return policy:
only if damaged in shipment or defective
6 tom single lugs that fit Ludwig Standard drums or Rocker drums. Condition is "OK". Some deterioration of chrome. Mounting screws not included. 6 left.
Removed user
2 years agoHello George,
I would like to purchase more than one of the lugs but I'm not seeing where I can indicate an amount
Removed user
2 years agoGeorge, I want to purchase (2) of the Ludwig Standard/ Rocker Tom Lugs
Removed user
2 years agoGeorge, let me know how to purchase more than one at a time so I can pay for both at once and you could combine shipping
George Lawrence, administrator
2 years agoHey Jeff, how many do you need? I’ll get you a total and a PayPal address, George
Dan Braun
2 years agoHi. I’d like to buy the remaining lugs, can you tell me how many you have and the total? I’m doing a restore. So you also have the screws?
George Lawrence, administrator
2 years agoHi Dan, I have 6 remaining. 3 are the slightly longer ones and three are the slightly shorter ones. All in OK working condition, no screws. If you don't like any or all of them you can have your money back minus shipping. $36 + $9 shpg to george@notsomoderndrummer.com. What's your email address. I can send pics. George