From the hall monitor

There have been several instances of conversations between buyers and sellers using the internal email that break the rules of etiquette here at DrumSellers. Let me remind everyone that I monitor all internal conversations. My policy for rule breakers is "two strikes and you are out". Here are some of the rules here that have been disregarded lately.

  1. No obscene language or cursing other people
  2. No political or religious content
  3. No telling a buyer that his price is too high. Sellers can try to sell their gear for whatever price they want. If a buyer doesn't like the price, he or she can make an offer.
  4. No berating buyers for "low ball" offers. Buyers can offer whatever they want. Sellers should just ignore offers that they consider too low or make a counter offer.
  5. No making transactions outside of DrumSellers to get out of paying the ridiculously low commission of 4%. If you listed and advertised gear here and attracted a buyer here, this is where you sell it.

I try to keep DrumSellers a peaceful, civil place - an escape for us drummers to enjoy a trusted site where there is no fear of scammers and assholes. I ask everyone to be as polite in your conversations as you would be in a face to face conversation at a live drum show. I have told members here in the past that "this is not the internet, this is a flea market for drums and drummers".

Thanks and play nice, George Lawrence

quantity: 1
Date: Dec 28, 2024

Public discussion (4)

Tony Marcosano

2 months ago

Good for you George! It is unfortunate you have to spend time to address this nonsense.

I just removed myself from another popular Drum site because of the same behavior. Just takes the enjoyment out of everything.

The worst part is, Professional musicians know this and have a good laugh over it.

Best regards, T

Tom "like the drum" Hardin

2 months ago

Thank you for your hard work developing and monitoring this site, George. Drumsellers.Com is above comparison; All other seller sites can learn a positive lesson from your endeavor.


2 months ago

It's unfortunate when you have to remind the adults in the room to be adults, George.

Interestingly, I just wrote a 2 part article for my Retail Doctor column in Music Inc. on how to be a good negotiator as a buyer/seller. Maybe it should be posted somewhere on DS as a wireframe to go by. Maybe as a separate revenue stream you can offer a service for buyers/sellers that don't like to negotiate an option where the process is done for them. AI negotiating?

Outside of the rule breakers thanks for all your work and for having such a terrific site!

George Lawrence, administrator

2 months ago

Hey Billy, Yes let's post that article in DrumSellers!

I do have a couple of brokering/consignment options written on the site somewhere. I should make it more obvious.

Good to hear from you, GL

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