Announcement; Scammer - Ray Benjamin

Don't respond to this scammer. He sent multiple messages to many users. Typical scammer using bad English and a sob story. This one was particularly humorous:
"Hello, how are you doing am interested in the musical instrument you post online like to know if is still available for sell, am buying it for my woman as a gift she doesn't know about it Lol, she's a choir mistress and also an instrumentalist as well am also buying it for our 10th year wedding anniversary just to appreciate her for the undying love and contribution towards the growth of this union. kindly get back to me on my email so we can discuss payments"

So his woman is a "choir mistress". :-)

quantity: 20

Public discussion (3)

Gregg Daileda

2 years ago

He just sent me a message yesterday morning July 15th. Why a choir 'mistress' (!!!???) would need 1920s Ludwig and Ludwig bass drum hardware is beyond me.

Bill Erwin

2 years ago

I got this exact e-mail from him yesterday.

Keith Munger

2 years ago

I was tempted to ask for a pic of said mistress when he messaged me. LOL

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