In search of a REMO Ed Thigpen Brush-Up Practice Pad. Not made for years now, these were great brushes work-out pads put out by REMO. Would like to buy.....will include shipping....PLEASE let me know if you have one for sale!!!
Seller's return policy:
Will purchase.
Lee Redfern
4 years agoYou and me both. Been looking for one for years as well. Hope you find one.
David Clark
4 years agoI had a Brush-Up pad for years.....great pad for brushes work out!!!! Light and easy to use. It'd be great if REMO still made 'em!!!
Myron K
4 years agoBeen searching a long time for one. FYI Just found & bought a good option. " The Laptop" by Rhythm Tech. Great for brushes, It's pretty cool, but not easy to find as well.
David Clark
4 years agoMyron.......I have the RT Laptop.....have used it and still do.....find it a bit loud as I often do pad work late nite/early morning......the Brush-Up pad was quiet enough which is one the things I liked about it, Thanx........Dave (found the RT Laptop on fee-bay some years ago with zip up carry case as well.)